Thursday 17 June 2010

Hey guys. Good idea Tyler. Concept project I'm working on with some friends.

Yeah it sure did die. I think everyone's got their own blogs and some aren't doing illo anymore. Anyway, I went for life drawing last night. Feel free to drop by me blog
Yeah wow, this blog died pretty quickly.
How many of you guys still drawing and stuff?
Think we should post some stuff.


Tuesday 21 April 2009

sorry tyler, been posting on my other blog not this one... don't hurt me! :(
top two are Jae Lee panel copys, not mine...

what??? whaaaa, where is everyone? no one drawing or painting anymore??
everyone just waste 3 years at uni??? WHERE IS ALL YA STUFF. come on
get it cranking, we have all this free time, people should be cranking the stuff out
post some stuff, i will once i get mine all organised, come on guys, dissappointing.


Friday 27 March 2009

Hey guys, I got a blog for my own stuff. It's at I will still put a couple of pieces here, now and then.

Friday 13 February 2009

Yo guys. Last piece up here, started a blog at and I'll try and update it as much as possible.
