Various pics from the game development process. The first and last piece are drawn from my imagination with no reference - just cos. Character developments needs a whole heap of work....

I wanted to push an identity and design for the overall feel of the game. As some of you are aware, the stuff the other guys had for presentation just wasn't up to scratch and I told them as much. In a nice way. Which may have got two of them in particular slightly heated. I pulled the a3 poster below together in a day so it's a rush job as I had to design and create a logo, produce the character shown and stitch it all together in Indesign with the texture also. I was prepared to create a whole series of these, but they insisted on using their own concepts, which is like chopping off your nose to spite your face. But hey, the display wasn't to shabby at all and they did a wicked job of pulling it off. This game probably won't see it past the end of this year, but the learning and what I've taken from it is priceless - mostly stuff to do with management and processes/systems to create a functioning team environment.

Adios amigos, hope things are cool with y'all