Thursday, 28 June 2007

hello there pupils,

i banged this one out for my girlfriend. it’s our anniversary on sat. we decided to give each other self made presents this year so ye... the concept basically came from my girlfriend complaining about too many instances in modern-day society where people are portrayed with animal heads. “let it go i told her” but she wouldn’t. so that’s why.
used the oil wash technique again. this time iused a nib though. the light in the photo kinda washed out the monkey, it’s actually darker.


Ned Rogers said...

Wow man, thats awesome. Love the colours. The only thing, and this may just be me and how I'm looking at it, but I'm having a hard time picking out exactly whats going on in the bottom right corner. Its like a hawk or eagle right? But yeah..awesome!

Ned Rogers said...

Wait, I figured it out as soon as i looked at again, I'm an idiot. It's even better now!

paul said...

thanks man, ye it was just the inside of the wing.
pretty serious hand you got there. awesome lighting.

Claire Wee said...
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Claire Wee said...

I really like the textures especially with a different technique and that's an cool concept going on in there. *thumbs up for me*