Tuesday, 10 July 2007


Hey all,

I've been assigned a task for this holiday break and its to represent a knight. I'm going to try and learn something from this 'for fun' project so I decided play with a few ideas before I move onto a lengthy colour rendering... Since I know how long it takes now (Self portraits!)

I've played with composition and colour theme so far. One was on the fly in Open Canvas playing with colours and the other was in Photoshop getting a feel for perspective and depth.

Anyway. I'd love some feedback on everything so far!

Best regards,

Leigh Rochow.


Claire Wee said...

Wow...in open canvas? I can't even get that kinda result on OC. It really looks like scenes from a story. I really like the photoshop scene more. Looking forward to seeing more :D

Ned Rogers said...

Nice man, they both look cool. Top one is my fav, probably cos its got more of a polished look to it, and I think the colours are nicer. But the other one certainly seems to do what you wanted it to do. I reckon if you could work a character into the top one and get it all to el together you'll be onto a very good thing. Keep it up!

bag'o'bones said...

both awesome... Reminds me of sleepy hollow.