OK, well here's what I've rested upon with my sketch before I start to fill it out. Might move that hand and the shell casing around a bit as I go, and there'll be some kind of detail in the background but that'll be something I do as I go as well. The foot was really a placeholder in the last one, probably should have mentioned that cos it was fairly rubbish.
And Tyler's right guys, we all need to put into this blog is we're gonna get anything out of it, so get with the posting, even if it's something quick. Once Tyler's finger have fallen off someone else is gonna have to do it, and I dunno, but I'd kinda like to keep my hands intact.
I've put up a detail of how it's turning out. I'm pretty happy with it so far, although it took me a while to settle into it. Mouth is a little bit off and the nose has something off about it too. So if anyone can give me some insight it would be awesome, I've been looking ot it too long.