Friday, 21 September 2007

Right, I'm just gonna keep posting WIPs of this piece until I get sick of it, which hopefully won't be until I've finished it. Also this gives everyone else a look at my terrible work ethic, which is why not much has changed since the last post. But I've pretty much finished the Little Sister, so now I can move onto the rest of the image, which I'm hoping won't be as difficult. Then I can come back and fix all the little things.

C&C away!

PS I know her nose still ain't right, but I'm thinking that as small as she'll be in the final piece it hopefully won't matter.

1 comment:

M Polli said...

Dude the nose is fine. It may be a little too perfectly cured perhaps but that isn't what's wrong. It's those two lines between the nose and the mouth, that are crooked, and throw the mouth/nose part off a little bit. Put them inline with the direction of the rest of the face and it will look fine.

I hope that helps.