Tuesday, 29 April 2008

For Fun

To gain more confidence with technique, a quill and ink I did these images in between work and homework, these holidays. Let me know what you think. Hope everyone's holidays have been going well!


Renee said...

oh wow muncle!! i love the one of the gal and guy... really romantic but comic-book, dramatic-like as well.. do i make sense? lol

Anyhow, it's really nice and you're improving. i suppose adding one colour to some areas would look kinda cool.. so it's b/w and orange or something?

Claire Wee said...

i like the perspective of the first piece. And it's looking really well. Keep going! :)

Claire Wee said...
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M Polli said...

Yeah I'm going to try and add some colour in soon, but just wanted to get the 'before' shots up! Thanks girls!