Hey Ned
hope you dont mind mate but i did a little paintover of your image
took me about 15 mins
but what i wanted to show you guys is how to think about your composition
i saw your value study and thought that was working better than your color version
cos i think you overlooked some things from your value study - but with a few small tweaks you can fix it up.
so in the paintover i have really focused your composition - get rid of that rock thinggy thats being held up by a matchstick piece of rock - thats not gonna happen :) even tho its fantasy stuff you need to think conceptually if things actually work - if they dont the viewer will just dismiss the piece in seconds!!
so i tried to ground that rocky mass on the right with the palm trees
then on the left balanced out that composition and played with the scale by adding a big palm tree - straight away the viewer now relates the other palm trees as being pretty big - espically with the little guy down the bottom for scale also - you had him in your rough!! :) get him back in there
then just really focused on the shapes that all your background elements were creating - really think about where your eye is going when you do this and then think about value and then think about scale.
your palm trees are a great reference point - so ride them all the way to the bank
last of all i put a bit of a jetty and some lights - maybe some buildings :)
just to relate it back to the human/creature at the foreground - its just a little trick to give a bit of life to your piccy
ok...enough rambling - i hope this helps guys
keep on painting!!!