Having lots of problems with this painting. I was given a low resolution photo which is severely pixelated. The colours are a little flat. Finally I resulted to taking my own lighting references and going to try that out tonight. If you guys can comment or provide any advice, I'll really appreciate that.
Bear, you have the foundations planned out pretty well. If you have a bad reference, you may have to use your imagination a little to really make the faces POP.
The girl's eyes don't look like they are on the same line. I understand her head is tilted but left eye looks a little too high. Only by a few milimeters though. And the nose looks flat but you're no where near finished so I assume that your yet to build it up.
Otherwise great start. Keep us informed as to how it's going!
Thanks Munkle. I did notice abt that eye and keep going back to the photo to make sure that it still looks like the girl. Otherwise, it's a very slow process of getting this painting right :/
At the moment the biggest thing for me is the area above her mouth. It's light source is coming from the opposite direction to the rest of her face.
I think once you get some depth into her nose the shape of the face will pop out a bit more.
And one last thing, maybe darken the tone on the unlit side of her neck. It's almost the same as the lit side at the moment and I think that's flattening the form quite a bit.
don't forget about the actual structures of the face, the different planes and how they turn, how each react when light hit them, remember about contrast, use dark darks and light lights to help you out, i see you're going for a warmer palette, this can be counter balanced with some cooler colours like you have used in the eyes, use selective colours to be used as a focal point, where you want people to look, but the main thing i can see is the facial structures need to be refined before painting any further to be honest, good luck bear, post some more updates on this one to see how its going :D
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