I'm so over this painting. The guy who asked me to do this painting is just a trouble-maker saying that he can't accept the painting from time and time again. I told him off that if he wanted a professional job, he should have gone to someone else and not a graduate. I'm not an artist, just an illustrator. I can't paint every detail from the photo. I'm not that good. I'm also going to give him back an email he sent me before I started painting, stating 'it doesn't have to be very detailed'. Getting my boyfriend to reply his emails from now on. I don't have time for trouble-makers like him.
I only use this photo (a proper one at last) for his nose. The original photo he gave has different lighting to this one though it's the same angle. The original has the guy's hair blending into the leaves. I really don't like flash photography in the day. Washes out everything. Sorry that you guys have to hear my whinging.
Anyone interested in life drawing at Norwood this thursday? :D
The 2 things that stand out the most for me are the colour of his hair and the shape of his face along the right hand side.
Lightening the hair I think will help a lot with the likeness and wouldn't take too long to do.
Also maybe mess his fringe up a bit, his hair looks a little to plasticy and neat compared to the photo.
With the shape of his face, I think you have his chin too round, and there are a couple of indents running up his cheek.
I think if you check these 2 things you get a much better likeness pretty quickly.
And if the guy gets picky about what needs to be in the background, show him the sketch he approved along with his approval. If the background was plain then he can't expect anything to be there unless he had already stated of if he pays for a revision.
hey claire. Sorry to hear it was a bad experience for you! Hope the next one is alot better! Keep at it! If the troubles continue I know a guy who knows a guy who can napalm his house up something good!
thanks guys. I couldn't follow the hair colour and face in the photo that was attached to this blog entry as the colour of hair and angle of his face turning is different in the original photo. He has finally approved it after I kind of told him off. Will let you guys know if he does anything funny after he gets his painting. So you guys still up for life drawing this thursday?
Bear I am up for life drawing! Really look forward to it. Does anyone know where and when it is?
As for your poainting, there is only so much you can do. One thing though. Don't think that you're just a graduate or just an illustrator (as illustrator's our talent is that OF an artist and in some cases even more as we get paid to communicate an ideal with our work). That frame of mind isn't going to get anyone anywhere. You're much better than that and it is always reflected in your work. This guy was just a dud. Don't let him make you think otherwise.
won't be able to make it this thursday, i've got simons workshop thing on. once that finishes in a few weeks i'll be there.
thanks munkle. Just really stressed and heaps tired of other things and especially him. After I give the painting, I reckon I can start doing some real work around here.
No worries Michael Z. Hope the workshop goes well. :D
i don't think the lighting or anything like that is the major issue with this painting to be honest, i think it all comes back to how it is drawn to start off with. I can see by looking at the photo to drawing that there are a lot of landmarks that are way off, if you can nail the drawing like really nail it at the start Claire than the painting will come a whole lot easier, people are really picky when it comes to pictures of their friends and family and they really want them to look exactly how they see them, and that's a tough thing to do but i suggest that really drawing it to start off really really accurate will make things a lot smoother later on and life drawing will definitely help you with this aspect, keep trucking.
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