Thursday, 29 November 2007

Old Girls

This is a sketch for a painting I'm working on. Gonna give it as a christmas present to both my grandmas and grandaunt once it's done. Kinda making up for spending my first christmas overseas without them.

pen sketches!

Some sketcheroonies, I think I like pen....rock on dudes:)


heres some rejected thumbnails of mine
from an upcoming thunderdome at, the theme for the piece was
"underneath it all" i went for a more
indirect approach to the theme and it
didnt work so here are the 3 thumbs
which i wont use, so enjoy and all u lazy
bums draw more!

Wednesday, 28 November 2007


Work in progress - all will be revealed! ..... experimenting with oils over acrylic bases at the moment. This piece is shown here in an very early stage as well as the sketch it is based on. I won't go into the concept at the moment as I'd rather let the final piece speak for itself, but crits would be sweet. Also, it's quite dark in these photos, but is actually a lot lighter.

hey so where is everyone?

Tuesday, 27 November 2007

more of the same. starting to add colour..


Monday, 26 November 2007



hey , did some paintings for my girlfriend and our one year anniversary but was a little embarrassed to let her see them since they actually don't look as much like her as they should... . :( learnt a lot from doing them though... back to the drawing board!

Friday, 23 November 2007

Finally finished with Dave's work. First time with watercolours and touched up with colour pencils. Like Tyler said, it's not very me at all but it's worth trying.

Thursday, 22 November 2007

Hey guys, got some sketches.....
In order, a park scene, helmet concepts for a mate who needs to practice 3d modelling, a sketch used for logo development (i'll post the final up after the stuff goes to print, I've basically finished it today - this is copyrighted to any prat viewing this blog, who thinks they can nick it) and a street scene. This is some of the first drawing i've done for ages - hopefully the last few months'll be the last time the wheels fall off with regards to creative output.

Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Inviting you all to my 21st

Hey guys I'm inviting you all to my 21st. I was stupid enough to delete the invite from my computer so here are the details.

It's on Saturday the 12th January, Caos Cafe, 188 Hindley St (the cafe tucked into the back of our Uni) Get there at 8.30. Beer, wine and champers and food are available on the night. Feel free to brings partners.

I have gotten most of your emails so I'll be emailing you shortly for your addresses (as some don't regularly post on the blog.)

I hope you guys are enjoying your holiday! Take care and hope to see you soon!

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

foxy lady..

hi everyone. how great is it to be doing our own thing! not have to worry about anymore projects! all done wooo! i wanted to try some speed painting! oooooh... painting on one layer trying to build up my confidence hahah. i dont know why i painted this i think i saw a beer ad and was like hahahahah.....nice...well....... heres how far i got about 3 hrs... dont worry i will finish it and take my time... hee. have an awesome holidays!

I'd forgotten you guys existed. It was bliss.

Hey doodlebutts, I'd post some stuff, but it's on a3 and I can't be buggered scanning and uploading it. So there. I've got some logo development hanging over my head which is driving me mental, so as soon as I've completed them it'll be on suckers! You dudes are producing some sweet work, keep it going:)

Hey guys,
Doing this piece for a competition. Still gotta put in the background and I think it has to be on a square canvas, so its got a fair ways to go yet, but the character is mostly finished. Face needs a bit more work, it looks a bit flat at the moment, but there isn't much extreme lighting on the pose, so i'll have to get to work with some different colour temps to get it looking right.

I'll post the rest when it gets done.

been reading alittle bit of "drawing on the right side of the brain" and as a result have done either a part or the whole of these sketches upside down from an upside down refrence. some more sucessfull than others. it's been good fun. how's everyones hollidays?


Monday, 19 November 2007

man you guys are slackers post something!
you wanna be illustrators do some freaking
drawings or soemthing dont sit on your arses
sipping wine and talking about the weather
post some stuff!

Saturday, 17 November 2007

hey guys another sketch of Lorena

Geia man is going to use your blood to water trees.

Friday, 16 November 2007

hey guys heres another quick sketch of lorena
with my tablet laptop woots, :D


through the genocide of human kind.


been reading dune... quick sketches inspired by holiday style sci-fi goodness. everyone going to stuarts on sat? party on

Wednesday, 14 November 2007

hey guys, back in broken hill....boring
got my new laptop........awesome!
so heres some sketches ive been drawing
with my new toy, heheh and also i had to put
up the caricature of me that lorena painted lol

My Apologies

Hey guys. I thought I take the photos of our work on the last day and post it on the blog. Everything was working fine but when I pushed the compact flash into my card reader, nothing responded. No reading of media. When I put it back into my camera, the camera rejected the compact flash card as well. I've been trying for days to retrieve the photos with photo and image recovery softwares but nothing. I'll be sending it to my boyfriend to let him work his computer magic *cross fingers* I'm really sorry but I'm still trying. A big waste cos it's a 4 Gig card and it's not even a year old. *curse Toshiba compact flashes now* Maybe we can do it the traditional way and post it up ourselves for the meantime?