In order, a park scene, helmet concepts for a mate who needs to practice 3d modelling, a sketch used for logo development (i'll post the final up after the stuff goes to print, I've basically finished it today - this is copyrighted to any prat viewing this blog, who thinks they can nick it) and a street scene. This is some of the first drawing i've done for ages - hopefully the last few months'll be the last time the wheels fall off with regards to creative output.

hey man, hows things? like the helmet just watch that you make it deep enough. I think like me you can tend to draw heads with not enough space between forehead and back of head. and maybe the eyes are a little high...
nice to see you found some motivation though! keep it up!
Yep, you're right with the helmet certainly - I should've taken more time with the depth - back to the drawing board.. you're spot on with the forehead space etc. Hopefully a lot more of these sort of concepts should be appearing:)
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