Thursday, 29 November 2007

heres some rejected thumbnails of mine
from an upcoming thunderdome at, the theme for the piece was
"underneath it all" i went for a more
indirect approach to the theme and it
didnt work so here are the 3 thumbs
which i wont use, so enjoy and all u lazy
bums draw more!


Claire Wee said...

rejected? I like the first one. I'm still working on a detailed sketch for the next painting so not too lazy.

Tyler Bartley said...

heheh yeah only rejected by myself, they dont communicate aswell as the one i have chosen which i cant show :D

Ned Rogers said...

they're nice man. i still wanna see the one you're working on. hurry up and finish the comp already!

Stu said...

Sweet man, good to see your development process - could u post the link to CA here?