Friday, 23 January 2009

Hey guys,

WIP of the thing I'm working on at the moment.


There we go, all done. Onto the next.


M Polli said...

Now THAT looks awesome. Only issue is the brushed used on the tree in the background, makes it look too round, but the effects in the water, and the other foilage is rocking!

M Polli said...

Oh and I'd make the background green a little darker to make the objects in front really pop.

I wish we could edit our orginal posts!

Ned Rogers said...

Cheers mate.

Your right about the round tree, it will be fixed I'm kind moving across it from left to right tightening everything up.

M Polli said...

Sounds great mate. Cannot wait to see the end result.

Claire Wee said...

top picture looks awesome with more contrast. Think a bit of sharpening on the left tree especially the leaves.

Michael Ziersch said...

looks cool ned. I'm impressed!

Justin said...

great paint man