Sunday, 2 December 2007

cate and kevin

As ya'll know.. i'm holidaying in Hongkie-land. It doesn't help that my dad doesn't have a scanner. This means i'll be taking photos of my sketches.
I did a sketch of Cate Blanchett and another sketch of Kevin Rudd's head while i was on the plane from Singapore to Hong Kong. By the end of it, the drawing pretty much only consisted of dirty smudges along the right-hand-side. If you've ever tried sketching in the middle of a turbulence with a pretty dark pencil, you'll understand what i'm talking about. SO then, i spent more time erasing the unnecessary marks..

1 comment:

Tyler Bartley said...

hey renee, how you going over there? :D hope your enjoying yourself, good work on these pictures, you've retained a likeness on both of them i could tell straight away who they were but i think some things you may need to work on (i know its hard to draw on a plane - damn turbulance and scared children screaming) is the line qualities and proportions, if you can pick up an anatomy book and study how the planes of the face and the measurements between the features work i think it will help you so much and yeah good work i hope i didnt rant on too much, i can see a major improvement in your work already and yeah have a nice time in hongkey land :D