hey guys heres a master copy,
been using painter god i must be
reatarded or something but that
damn program made for artists
seems so much harder and more
of a chore to use than photoshop
but oh well here it is still got a
little bit of work to go on it.
Yup, painter's a bitch. But I don't think you could get anything like what you've got by using photoshop. Looks awesome.
the style used here looks different than your usual. I kinda prefer this than the rest you've done so far. It looks great.
Hey Tyler. what brush are you using man. The oils/smeary round that one will give you a really nice blend on the default settings
and if thats not working then press a bit lighter on the tablet - really work the pain like you would in reall life you cant just slap it on and expect it to blend - give it some love dude!!!! other than that - pic is coming along - love to see it refined a bit more - spesh in the face - keep posting man. Simon
hey simon thanks for the comments, the brush i was using was an oil pastel with modified settings to drip and hard drip i think, i just went ballistic with the brushes to see what would work but found no desirable results, but yeah definitley ill do some experiments with the smeary brushes and also i think the camel hair ones give good results too.
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