Hey guys. I'm starting to keep an anatomy sketch book. I'm starting with the eye as I find them the most difficult to replicate. I really want to work on developing faces during these holidays, as they are a saw point for myself. Tell me what you think...

I'm going to keep on going with more. Then move on to noses.
nice idea man, I have a similar book but it's not seeing much attention these days. eyes look great exept i think your missing some lashes and maybe alittle detail on the bottom one. .. party on .
Yup I agree with michael that it's a good idea. The first one is great but the last one prob needs a bit more work. Good on ya and great catching up with ya yesterday. Bleah...I'm scared about the biopsy and ultrasound :/
Ah don't be bear. You'll be fine. They are just making sure. It was great see you and your parents! now I can put faces to them!
The bottom one was the first one I did so that may explain the lack on confidence I had when I approached it.
drop some specular highlights in the eyeballs and remember that the top lid creates a shadow over the eyeball :D keep it up bro
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