Sunday, 16 December 2007

trying to move away from faces for a bit.


M Polli said...

Hey some cool images mate. The form on the your bodies has come along way even within these holidays. Great stuff.

Andre Ann said...
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Andre Ann said...

hehe when i first saw this i thought it was tyler's work! you have been taking his comments seriously havent you. there is a certain appeal to this work. i can only describe it as very raw. it reminds me of the artist that did the metal gear solid art and graphic novel. check it out if you havent yet, you might be inspired.
i give u props for being the most prolific at posts. improvement is definitely evident in your work. yo.
i love sin city

Michael Ziersch said...

thanks andre + munkle, I've seen some metal gear solid cover art and the like but i'll look some more up now. An old man dies, a young woman lives, fair trade.